


Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.

And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.寥寥数句,创造出的氛围也足以让人体味片刻


If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.

鸟儿愿为一朵云。云儿愿为一只鸟。The bird wishes it were a cloud.The cloud wishes it were a bird.我读不出什么意思,但是意境真美

使生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美。Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.译句可以流传千古,原文,嘿嘿,在中国恐怕有难度


“我藏在你心里呢,花呀。” How far are you from me, O Fruit?I am hidden in your heart, O Flower.是不是准妈妈在给自己的孩子对话?

露珠对湖水说道;“你是在荷叶下面的大露珠,我是在荷叶上面的较小的露珠。”You are the big drop of dew under the lotus leaf, I am the smaller one on its upper side, said the dewdrop to the lake.是儿童在说话,露珠是湖水的宠儿

白云谦逊地站在天之一隅。 晨光给它戴上霞彩。The cloud stood humbly in a corner of the sky.The morning crowned it with splendour.

太阳只穿一件朴素的光衣,白云却披了灿烂的裙裾。The sun has his simple rode of light. The clouds are decked with gorgeousness.淡淡的哲理在字里行间默默地注视着我们,读者给它带上文学的桂冠

夜对太阳说道:“在月亮中,你送了你的情书给我。”“我已在绿草上留下了我的流着泪点的回答了。”In the moon thou sendest thy love letters to me,I leave my answers in tears upon the grass.诗人的语言,也美得无法用语言描述

我有群星在天上,但是,唉,我屋里的小灯却没有点亮。I have my stars in the sky.But oh for my little lamp unlit in my house.美丽的叹息

采着花瓣时,得不到花的美丽。By plucking her petals you do not gather the beauty of the flower.花园里的劝告语,是不是源出此处?

太阳在西方落下时,他的早晨的东方已静悄悄地站在他面前。When the sun goes down to the West, the East of his morning standsbefore him in silence.短短一句话,引起多少遐思

生命因为付出了的爱情而更为富足。Life has become richer by the love that has been lost.这句恐怕翻译的不如原文吧,lost似乎也有失去的意思,付出就表达不出来了——不过算了,翻译诗句本来就是高难度的活。要是让咱来,一定会把love翻译成名词

鸟翼上系上了黄金,这鸟便永不能再在天上翱翔了。Set the bird’s wings with gold and it will never again soar in thesky.在泰戈尔诗中本来平平,但是高中时候因为引用这句作文得过高分,就喜欢上这句了

黑云受光的接吻时便变成天上的花朵。Dark clouds become heaven’s flowers when kissed by light.想象如此绮丽,我等惟有仰视窗外镶上金边的云朵

当我去时,让我的思想到你那里来,如那夕阳的余光,映在沉默的星天的边上。Let my thoughts come to you, when I am gone, like the after glowof sunset at the margin of starry silence.看到这句,唯有细细品味,深深思考,何暇评论?

让死者有那不朽的名,但让生者有那不朽的爱。Let the dead have the immortality of fame, but the living the immortality of love.这是多么理想的世界,也只有诗人这样完美的语言能描述出来

昨夜的风雨给今日的早晨戴上了金色的和平。The storm of the last night has crowned this morning with goldenpeace.那么,今晚的辛苦又可以给明天的早晨带来什么?
